
Why you should enable MMS on landlines and toll-free numbers

Not so long ago, businesses had one number customers could call, and one address they could write to.

Delivering anything resembling decent customer service was difficult and expensive.

But these times had one good thing going for them – relative simplicity.

Customers categorically knew how to go about getting in touch.

So how can we take the good bits from this one-number era – and bring them into the multimedia age?

One way would be to use your known landline or toll-free number to send and receive MMS and SMS messaging.

MMS-enabled numbers

Many brands already use SMS-enabled landlines and toll-free numbers for a) sending out one-way messages to customers, and b) engaging in conversations with them.

But by enabling MMS on your numbers, you open up engagement potential. You become able to send and receive images, video, animations, Gifs and audio via the landline number customers know and trust.

MMS-enabled phone lines let brands communicate with customers in many situations:

And MMS messaging can be just as powerful for customers who want to get a message to you. Images and video can help them deliver details that text alone can’t.

Here are just a few ways this can work:

Meeting needs

That’s the beauty of messaging – finding situations where your customers’ needs and yours can be met in a single moment.

Remember, your messaging engine can be attached to your CRM and customer ops stack – so messages from customers can trigger a range of responses and processes. For example, if a customer sends an image of a damaged phone to a retailer, this can automatically make it into a customer service assistant’s notes before he gets in touch to remedy the situation.

A new message

Many customers already try to send messages to business landlines which haven’t been enabled. They just imagine it will work. This is a good enough reason in itself to start enabling your numbers – customers naturally expect it of you.

But making it easy for customers to communicate with you – in the manner they want, on the channel they’re comfortable with – makes even more sense.

Your next steps

Enabling a landline for multimedia messaging is really simple. In fact, within a couple of weeks you can be up and running.

So give us a call. We’d be happy to help you get started or just share what we know. Or check out our mini MMS-enabled landlines guide for more details on MMS-enabled landlines and toll-free numbers.