
Meet Kristin Marks, Senior Technical Success Manager

In this fourth instalment we hear from our Senior Technical Success Manager, Kristin Marks from our Seattle, WA office on what her typical day looks like, and what diversity means to her.

What does a typical day look like for you?

When not in quarantine, I start my day by hitting a morning crossfit class. I quickly scan email and slack to see if any quick responses are needed to London folks and a teammate in India. Then, I’m logged in between 7-8 AM for London meetings. For the customer account, we work closely with London Teams – GCR, Product, and Chris Wilson. We also work closely with GSO, depending on who’s managing the initiative, we will work with the UK GSO Team and am mindful of timing. Mornings are typically busy to utilize the overlapping times to strategize on projects.

Afternoons are typically lighter. They hold meetings with Seattle folks. Afternoons are also my focus time to strategize and work on projects.

My evenings and weekends are filled with volunteer activities with the Junior League of Seattle and Tasveer. I enjoy being outside as much as possible – snowboarding or hiking, and prioritizing activities that help me feel recharged for the coming week.

What is your definition of diversity? Or What does diversity mean to you?

For the first time in my career, I have been in multiple meetings where it has been all women.

Do you have a life motto? If so, what is it?

‘If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.’ I apply this by creating mechanisms both professionally and personally. For the customer account, we interface with so many teams across all OM offices. In order to not only track projects but truly make progress, we have evolved our tools to accomplish this. Now, we have single sources of truth, which we continuously update. This empowers us to be more productive in meetings and require less prep time. We are focused on the work item rather than trying to gather the needed data points.

What do you think is the biggest game-changer in mobile technology at the moment?

With COVID-19, we are experiencing something unprecedented. I am blown away by the thoughtfulness and creativity of our internal teams on how we can support our local communities.

Are there any new skills you want to master or learn?

With our time at home, I’m finally dedicating some time to master some crossfit movements. Wish me luck to learn double unders! Also, the Customer Success & Consulting Team has a fitness challenge, which has been a great motivator!

With the Agile Transformation and OKR process, the customer account has mapped out objectives we hope to define this quarter. With reading Inspired and other Agile best practices, looking forward to partnering with our Product and Engineering Teams as we explore topics like Quality of Service and MSISDN Intelligence.

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