
OpenMarket Launches New SMS Cartoon Series

Want to know how SMS text messaging can be used to improve communication and customer service in our daily lives?

We invite you to follow “Sam” in OpenMarket’s new weekly cartoon series* for insight into the various life situations he encounters – from the serious to the seriously hilarious!

The Cast of Characters

The Story Line

We’re starting off the series by releasing not one, but TWO cartoons!

This week, Sam goes for his very first interview with Mr. Sneed at ABC Communications. It turns out that SMS wasn’t the first customer engagement solution they had in mind…read the story below!

Later that day, Sam gets a text message from the company’s recruitment team:

By reading Sam’s story, it’s easy to see how SMS improved his experience with his potential employer. In fact, today OpenMarket helps Fortune 2000 companies just like ABC Communications create simple and effective text messaging solutions for engaging with their target audiences. Our unique expertise with over 17 years in the mobile industry is why companies choose us to power their mobile engagement solutions – from HR, to sales and marketing, and across all other business departments.

If your company is dedicated to delivering the best possible customer experience, then please contact us to find out more.

*Exclusively created by Atomic Squib for OpenMarket.