
Three Mobile Myths

Last month Forrester Research hosted their Marketing 2016 forum for marketing leaders. The event focuses on sharing research and experience from both Forrester and leading companies such as Adobe, Facebook, and eBay.  The key points of discussion focused on the new behaviors and expectations of customers as digital technologies continue to permeate every aspect of our communication and interaction.  Naturally a particular point of interest was around mobile, and this is where Forrester shared three mobile myths as supported by their research.

Myth #1:  Your customers will download your app

Forrester data shows that only your most loyal customers will download your app, and 88% of time spent in apps is spent on just five apps like for social networking and messaging.  Many organizations have or are pursing apps, but are using little to no other types of mobile engagement (like SMS or text messaging).

Myth #2:  Customers prefer apps to websites for everything they do

Forrester data reveals that mobile websites more often are preferred in certain specific contexts such as search, research, looking up pricing or reviews, whereas mobile apps are preferred for specific tasks such as banking, social media or to listen to music.

Myth #3:  Apps are the most important part of your mobile portfolio

Forrester data shows that 96% of smartphone users receive some type of mobile messaging notification and another 57% take action after receiving a notification. It’s Forrester’s opinion that digital business professionals have not mastered messaging nor optimized it for their businesses.

“Mobile messaging is the most important part of your digital engagement strategy,” Nichole Dvorak, Forrester Research Analyst.

Don’t fall victim to these mobile myths. Contact us at OpenMarket to learn how to optimize your mobile engagement strategy.  I can be reached at