Sending Messages from Adobe Campaign Manager

This topic explains how to connect to OpenMarket's SMPP service to send SMS messages from Adobe Campaign Manager.

Note: Adobe Campaign Manager may change without notice. Note also there are some differences between Adobe Standard and Adobe Classic that may not be accounted for in this documentation.

Connection settings


What to Enter

SMPP Connection Mode Transceiver
SMSC Implementation Name Generic (OpenMarket does not have a specific implementation name)
Provider ID OpenMarket


Secure socket. Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.2 is supported.

Enable TLS over SMPP Check this
Enable Verbose SMPP Traces Check only when you are actively troubleshooting with Adobe and OpenMarket
Account / System ID Your application account ID without dashes (e.g., 00000012345678)

Set a password for your account. Go to and use your account ID (e.g, 000-000-123-45678) as the username.

System type Not required for the bind PDU operation. For more information see the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4.
Simultaneous Connections 2


SMPP channel settings


What to Enter

Source number The number you plan to use to send messages. (This number may be provided by OpenMarket.)
Source TON (type of number)

Can be:

1 - Long code

3 - Short code

5 - Alphanumeric

Source NPI

Set value to 0x00 (unknown)

Size (octets): 1

Type: integer

Destination TON (type of number)

Set to 0x01 (international)

Size (octets): 1

Type: integer

Destination NPI 1
Service type SerOMv4


Speed and timeout settings


What to Enter

Sending window 10
Max MT throughput 10 MT messages per second *per bind*
Time before reconnection 30 seconds
Expiration period of the MT 30
Bind timeout


We recommend your system send enquire_link PDUs every 20 seconds if your application is not actively submitting messages.

Enquire_link period 20 seconds


SMS-C settings


What to Enter

Bind TON

Set to 0x00 (null)

Size (octets): 1

Type: integer

Bind NPI

Set to 0x00 (null)

Size (octets): 1

Type: integer

Range of addresses

Set to 0x00 (null)

Size (octets): Variable. Max is 41

Type: C-octet string

Extraction regex of the ID in the SR 


Maps to OpenMarket message ID format. This is important to receive MOs and DLRs from OpenMarket.

Extraction regex of the status in the SR \b[sS][tT][aA][tT]:([a-zA-Z0-9]{5,8})\b
Extraction regex of the error code in the SR \b[eRI][rR] [rR]:([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3})\b
Invalid ID acknowledge count 100 unacknowledged MOs and DRs (combined) per bind
ID format in MT acknowledgement Do not modify
ID format in the SR Do not modify
SR ID or error code in optional field Do not check
SR ID or error code in text field Do not check
Service ID tag (hex format 0x12AB) Not used