Help for Global Coverage Tables

Field name


Dialing Code

The telephone dialing prefix required to reach a phone number in a specific country or region. For example, 1 is the code for US and Canadian numbers, 44 for UK numbers, and 371 for Latvian numbers.

Solution Offered

The type of messaging we offer for the region:

  • 2-way — one-way and two-way
  • 1-way — one-way only

We are constantly broadening our two-way reach, so if there is a country in which you need two-way messaging, please contact us.

Note that in some regions, such as the US, all messaging must use two-way numbers.

Predominant Character Encoding

The character set most commonly used for text messages. This is influenced by:

  • The default character encoding that the mobile operators use.
  • Whether the dominant written language in the region (e.g. Chinese) requires characters that are only available using some character encodings.
  • Whether the message includes any special characters that are only available using some character encodings

Character encoding influences how many characters you can include per SMS message part.

Max Character Length for Single Part SMS

The total number of characters that you can send in a single SMS when using the "Predominant Character Encoding". For example, the UK mobile operators use GSM encoding, and a single part SMS may be up to 160 GSM characters.


Other character encodings require more data for each character, therefore reducing the maximum number of characters. See Single and multipart (concatenated) messages for more information.

Multipart Messages Supported

Whether the local mobile operators support multipart messages. If they do not, and your message request was for a multipart message, then we will send the message as numbered parts to indicate that they are part of a longer message.

Delivery Receipts Returned

Whether the local operators will return a delivery receipt. Depending on the region, the operators may send receipts for when the message reached the handset, or may send a receipt only to indicate that they have received a valid text message request.

Alphanumeric Originator Accepted

Whether the local operators accept message originators that are alphanumeric strings and cannot be responded to, such as "ACME" or "Brand123".

For information about originator types, see Message originators.

Registration Required for Alphanumerics

Whether the local operators require you to register any alphanumeric originator you wish to use before you can send messages using that originator. Your OpenMarket account manager can assist you with this.

Approx Time to Provision 2-Way Messaging

The length of time it normally takes to provision a two-way number. This time period may depend on the type of two-way originator you want to use. For example, a short code in the US takes longer to provision than a VMN.

Your OpenMarket account manager can provide more information about provisioning numbers in a specific region.

Local Long Codes (VMNs, etc) Accepted

Whether the local operators accept message originators that looks like local dialable numbers; for example 12515550100 (US) or 447700900750 (UK).

  • No — The operators filter or block messages sent with a local dialable number, unless the number is provisioned with their network.
  • Yes — The operators accept long code originators without having the number provisioned.

Short Code Originator Accepted

Whether the local operators accept message originators that looks like short codes; for example 222111 (US) or 58870 (UK).

  • No — The operators filter or block messages sent with a short code, unless the number is provisioned with their network.
  • Yes — The operators accept short code originators without having the number provisioned.

Types of 2-Way Originators Supported

For regions with two-way messaging; these may be short codes, long codes (VMNs), toll-free or landline numbers.

For information about originator types, see Message originators.

UK VMN as Originator Accepted

Whether the local operators accept messages sent using a UK VMN.

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Enabled

A capability offered by mobile operators that enables end users to keep their phone number when switching from one mobile operator to another.

MNP does not impact delivery; where MNP is supported, OpenMarket can route the message to the correct mobile operator, regardless of whether the number has previously been ported.

Asterisk(*) Notes

Holds additional notes for the fields in the table where an asterisk * is present.

Message Contents Notes

A quick summary of any restrictions around what you can send in the message body.