Submit & Manage Campaigns

Create a campaign

  1. From the Numbers menu, select Campaigns.
    This displays the Campaigns main page where you can view all your existing campaigns and update details if need be.
  2. Click Submit New Campaign and fill in the forms.

Campaign information

On the first page you'll enter the following information. All fields are required.

  • The brand to associate with the campaign
  • The use case, which represents the type of messaging you plan to do (e.g., promotional marketing, 2FA, political, etc.)
  • Your approximate throughput requirements
  • The name of your campaign, which may be visible to end users
  • A description of your campaign
  • A sample of the message text you will use
  • A URL to your Terms & Conditions

Click Create to move to the next section of the form, Numbers.

Specify the number

This section lets you choose which source number the campaign will use.

Click Update to save the changes and move to the next section, Opt-In.

Specify how end users will opt in

In the Opt-In section you'll provide information about how your end users will opt in to your campaign. The methods include Keyword, Website, IVR, or Verbal. The form will provide additional fields to fill in, depending on which methods you select.

  • To confirm or edit the opt-in message your end users will receive, click the EDIT CALL TO ACTION link that appears once you toggle on any opt-in method.

Once you confirm your opt-in message, you'll be able to click Update to save the changes and move to the next section, Opt-Out.

Specify how end users will opt out

In the Opt-Out section you'll provide at least one method that your end users can use to opt out of your campaign. You can enter either an email address or a toll-free number.

Reviewing, saving, and submitting your campaign

When you're finished entering all the information required for your brief, the Review & Submit button activates. Once you click it, the Review page lets you review everything.

If you're happy with the form, click the Submit button; otherwise, go back to the form to change information you are not happy with.


If the Submit button is disabled, click the cross icon and leave the campaign for now. Submit is disabled until all of the major US operators are ready to accept messages from 10DLC originators. We will notify you as soon as the Submit button is enabled.

To edit the form:

  1. Leave the review page by clicking the cross icon.
  2. Expand the section you wish to edit, make a change, and click Update to save them.

Deprecate a campaign

Deprecating a campaign stops all messaging associated with the campaign. Note that you cannot reverse deprecation, so be you want to deprecate it. Also note that any of your colleagues who also work with the Campaigns feature will not be notified.

  1. From the Numbers menu, select Campaigns.

    This displays the Campaigns main page where you can view all your existing campaigns.
  2. Click the campaign you want to deprecate.
  3. Click the Actions button and select Deprecate. You'll be prompted to confirm your choice.

Once you deprecate a campaign, the status changes to Deprecated.