
MEP Connector for SFTP automates the campaign process by allowing you to create a campaign and then associate a CSV file located on your SFTP server with this campaign. The CSV file will contain the MSISDNs of the end users included in the campaign and will be associated with a MEP keyword. On a schedule that you set, the SFTP server is automatically polled for any changes. If new or changed files are found matching the filename pattern you specify for the campaign parameters, the file is downloaded using SFTP and then deleted from the server.

This can be used by anyone who creates or maintains campaigns.


  • Know the SFTP host name and directory for the file location
  • Create the CSV file. See "Creating a CSV" below for the rules around formatting the file.
  • Know or create the MEP service to associated with the campaign. For more information on MEP services, see MEP Services Overview.
  • Have a valid email notification address

Creating a CSV

When formatting a CSV for injection into a campaign, keep the following in mind:

  • A phone number must be formatted using an international format, without the leading + (plus) sign or a 0 (zero)— for example, 447700900750 for a UK number or 12165551212 for a US number.
  • The file name can be no longer than 32 characters long.
  • Allowable file name characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
  • MEP Connector for SFTP expects that the first row in the CSV will be a header row, which is ignored during processing. If the first row in the CSV contains data, this data will be ignored.
  • Fields in columns do not need quoting, but if a field is quoted then double quotes (" ") must be used. Single quotes (' ') are not supported.
  • If a column field contains a comma or multiple lines it must be quoted.
  • If a field contains quotes, they must be preceded by a backslash (\)— for example,, \".
  • If a field uses a \, it must be preceded by an additional \ — for example, \\.


MEP Connector supports username and password authentication as well as user name and SSH Keys. Passwords and Keys are encrypted and stored in a database.

Data storage

When deleting a campaign, the associated configuration is also immediately deleted. If your account is inactivated, any associated campaign configurations are deleted at the same time.

When a file is uploaded and processed by the MEP Connector for SFTP, a copy of that file is retained by OpenMarket. These files cannot be accessed by anyone outside of OpenMarket and are retained only for debugging purposes. After four months those files are deleted, which is in line with OpenMarket's Data Retention Policy. Log files are also retained for up to four months. No other data is stored after a file is uploaded.