RCS Detailed

The RCS Detailed Data Source can be used to create a custom report showing RCS transactions during a set time frame. You can select from one or more fields to include in the report, and filter by one or more parameters, such as message contents, RCS type, as well as accepted, delivery, and read dates. Fields you can include and filter by are described in the table below. See Create a custom report for the steps to create the report.

Standard reports

Standard reports were designed by OpenMarket as a set of default scheduled reports useful to most businesses. The SMS Detailed is used as the data source for the standard report: RCS Daily Detailed Report.

Your ability to access this report depends on whether your OpenMarket account manager has provisioned it for your company, and whether your organization's administrator has either shared the report with you or given you access to the RCS Detailed data source. If you have access to the data source then you can add the report to your folders. If the report is shared with you then you have either Can View or Can Edit access.

Data pseudonymization

Data in this report is available for up to 2 years prior to the current date. Per GDPR regulations, however, personal identifiable information (PII) is pseudonymized after four (4) months. For more information on the fields which are pseudonymized after the four-month time frame, see Data pseudonymization.

Quick tips

Some helpful tips for when using this data source are:

  • If you want a high-level view of message delivery, use Message Status.
  • Destination Address and Source Address are related. They list the message originator and end user's phone number based on who sent the message. This means you can identify the message direction by seeing whether your message originator is in one column or the other. A simpler solution can be to include Message Direction.

  • Message Originator and Phone Number are related. They list the message originator and end user's phone number; however, you cannot tell by just looking at either column whether the message was MT or MO. To know this, include Message Direction.

When using this data source, the following fields report similar information (and you might want to include only one of them):

  • Country Name (shows the full name) and Country Code Alpha-2 (shows a two letter abbreviation)

  • Account Name and Account ID are linked unique identifiers, so you only need to include the field that suits you. If you want to see what the possible values for either field, then:
    1. Add them as filters
    2. Use the drop-down to check the field values (and remove the filters when ready)

Fields and Filters

The following table describes the RCS Detailed Data Source fields and filters. Click any field you want to add to the report, and in the Alias field enter a new name for the column. If you do not assign an alias to the field, the default column name is used.

Quick tips

Some helpful tips for when using this data source are:

  • If you want a high-level view of message delivery, use Message Status

  • For most use cases you'll want to include Message Direction as it separates out MO traffic from MT traffic.

  • Message Originator refers to your short codes, VMNs, etc, through which you send and receive messages. It never refers to an end user's number.

When using this data source, the following fields report similar information and you might want to include only one of them:

  • Country Name shows the full name and Country Code Alpha-2 shows a two letter abbreviation.

  • Account Name and Account ID are linked unique identifiers, so you only need to include the field that suits you. If you want to see what the possible values for either field, then:

    1. Add them as filters
    2. Use the drop-down to check the field values (and remove the filters when ready)

Note: If you are filtering the report by a dialable message originator or the end user's phone number, then you need to make sure you supply the number in international format; e.g. with the country code included. For example: 12515550100 (US number) or 447700900750 (UK number). Don't include a "+" character. This doesn't apply to short codes, which you should enter as is.

RCS Detailed Data Source Fields and Filters



Accepted Date

The time and date (in UTC) when we accepted a valid message request from your account or from a mobile operator.

While not required fields, we recommend adding the Accepted Date, Delivered Date and Updated Date fields as they are useful in analyzing an RCS message's history.

While not a required field, you'll need the Accepted Date field if you want to look at messaging patterns across a given time period.

Filterable? Yes. This filter is always required.

Delivered Date

The time and date (in UTC) when the end user received the message. This is based on the delivery receipt we receive from the MaaP provider.

Use with the Accepted Date field to calculate the delivery speed. Add the Updated Date if you want to also see when messages failed.

Filterable? Yes.

Read Date

Date on which the message was read by the end user. The read date might also be returned in other date filters if it was returned to us. For example, if you filter on the Accepted Date for "Yesterday", and the read receipt was returned Today, the read timestamp will be included.

Filterable? Yes

Updated Date

The time and date (in UTC) when the most recent event happened related to this message. This is most often the time when we received the final delivery status from the mobile operator.

Filterable? Yes

Account ID

The unique ID of an account you have with OpenMarket. Depending on your business requirements, you may have multiple accounts to send RCS messages. You can alternatively use Account Name in the report. Include if your business is using multiple accounts, particularly if your business units use different accounts that you will need to report on.

Filterable? Yes. Enter one or more account IDs on which to filter. From the drop-down list, enter the account ID, and then select it from the list. Search and add additional account IDs as needed. A tally keeps track of the number of IDs added to the filter. Alternately, you can filter on Account Name.

Account Name

The unique name of an account you have with OpenMarket. Depending on your business requirements, you may have multiple accounts to send RCS messages. You can alternatively use Account ID in the report. Include if your business is using multiple accounts, particularly if your business units use different accounts that you will need to report on.

Filterable? Yes. Enter one or more account names on which to filter. From the drop-down list, enter the account name, and then select it from the list. Search and add additional account names as needed. A tally keeps track of the number of account names added to the filter. Alternately, you can filter on Account ID.

Campaign ID

The unique identifier for a global campaign, which is associated with an account ID and name.

Filterable? Yes. Enter one or more campaign IDs on which to filter. From the drop-down list, enter the campaign ID, and then select it from the list. Search and add additional campaign IDs as needed. A tally keeps track of the number of IDs added to the filter. Alternately, you can filter on Campaign Name.

Campaign Name

The name associated with the campaign ID.

Filterable? Yes. Enter one or more campaign names on which to filter. From the drop-down list, enter the campaign name, and then select it from the list. Search and add additional campaign names as needed. A tally keeps track of the number of names added to the filter. Alternately, you can filter on Campaign ID.

Company ID

The identifier of the company that sent and/or received the message.

Filterable? Yes. Enter one or more company IDs on which to filter. From the drop-down list, enter the company ID, and then select it from the list. Search and add additional company IDs as needed. A tally keeps track of the number of IDs added to the filter. Alternately, you can filter on Company Name.

Company Name

The name of the company that sent and/or received the message.

Filterable? Yes. Enter the full company name by which to filter. Alternately, you can filter on Company ID.


The text message body if the Message Type is "Chat". If the Message Type is "Postback", information from the customerData field is returned.

Filterable? Yes. You must enter the full text message body or hexadecimal value.

Conversation ID

OpenMarket-generated identifier associated with an RCS conversation. If multiple conversations are associated with a single request ID, each conversation will have its own conversation ID.

Filterable? Yes. Multiple values are supported. This is a free-text field, so you will need to know the Conversation IDs before using this filter. To add multiple Conversation IDs, include a line space between each ID—that is, press the Enter key after adding each ID so that each ID is on its own line.
Country Code Alpha-2

The two-letter code that identifies the country or region. For example, AU (Australia) or CA (Canada). You can find a list of the codes on Wikipedia.

  • For MTs, this is the country of the destination
  • For MOs, this is the country of the originator

You can alternately use the Country Name, which lists the full name of the country or region.

Filterable? Yes. You can filter by one or more country alpha codes. From the drop-down list, enter or search for the country code then select it. As you select country codes, a tally keeps track of the number of country codes added to the filter.

Country Name

The name of the country in which the end user's phone number is registered.

You can alternately use the Country Code, which is the two-letter code for a country or region

Filterable? Yes. You can filter by one or more country names. From the drop-down list, enter or search for the country name, and then select it. As you select country names, a tally keeps track of the number of country names added to the filter.

Destination Address

The message recipient. For MT messages, this is the end user's phone number. For MO messages, this is one of your message originators.

If you want to see both the sender and receiver of a message, include Source Address.

Filterable? Yes. Filter by a specific number or alphanumeric string. If you are entering a dialable number that's not a short code, make sure it is in international format. For example, enter 12515550100 for a US number or 447700900750 for a UK number

Message Direction

Indicates whether the message was sent from your account or from an end user.

Filterable? Yes. You can select one or both of:

  • MT — for filtering on messages sent from your account
  • MO — for filtering on messages sent from an end user

You can select both types on which to filter.

Message ID

The unique ID(s) assigned to the RCS message(s) by OpenMarket.

Filterable? Yes. You must enter the entire Message ID — for example, 930ffd8e-31ef-4a7c-86a6-73f7315f3b48. Multiple Message IDs are not supported.

Message Originator

The source number used to send an MT message or receive an MO message. Types of originators include short codes, text-enabled landlines, toll-free numbers, alphanumeric strings, and virtual mobile numbers (long codes).

Add Phone Number to the report if you want to see the end user's number, and Message Direction to see who sent the message.

Filterable? Yes. Multiple values are supported. This is a free-text field, so you will need to know your originators before using this filter. To add multiple originators, include a line space between each number—that is, press the Enter key after adding each number so that each number is on its own line.

Message Status

Provides the current or final delivery status of a message.

Filterable? Yes. Select one or more of the following statuses on which to filter:

  • Awaiting Report — we forwarded the message to the operator; however, we have not yet received a delivery status
  • Delivered — the message was successfully delivered
  • Read — the message was read by the end user
  • Failed — the message was not delivered.

A tally keeps track of the number of messages statuses selected.

Message Type

Indicates the type of sent RCS message.

Filterable? Yes. You can filter on one or more of the following:

  • Chat — The message content was text.
  • Media — The message content was a media file — for example, an image or video.
  • Postback — Indicates the MO direction only for a suggested action or reply and not for a free-text response typed by the end user.
  • Premium — The message content was a Rich Card.

A tally keeps track of the number of message types selected.

Mobile Operator ID

Use this field if you want if you want to see the operators your end users are connected to, organized by mobile operator ID.

Filterable?: Yes. This is always a number, such as 383 for AT&T, and 348 for T-Mobile in the UK. Select one or more mobile operators to add to the filter. As you select operators, a tally keeps track of the number of operators added to the filter.

You can alternatively use Mobile Operator Id in the report.

Mobile Operator Name

Use this field if you want to see the operators your end users are connected to, organized by mobile operator name.

Filterable?: Yes. This filter list organizes mobile operators by name, followed by their country of operation and mobile operator ID. Select one or more mobile operators to add to the filter. As you select operators, a tally keeps track of the number of operators added to the filter.

You can alternatively use Mobile Operator Name in the report.

Phone Number

For messages sent in either direction (MT or MO), this is the end user's phone number.

Add Message Originator to the report if you would like to see the end user's number, and Message Direction to see who sent the message.

Filterable? Yes.

Multiple values are supported. This is a free-text field, so you will need to know the end user's number before using this filter. To add phone numbers, include a line space between each ID—that is, press the Enter key after adding each number so that each number is on its own line. The phone number should also use an international format—for example: 12515550100 (US) or 447700900750 (UK). Don't include the plus (+) character.

Request ID

The unique request identifier OpenMarket assigns to the message.

Filterable? Yes

Multiple values are supported. This is a free-text field, so you will need to know the request IDs before using this filter. To add multiple request IDs, include a line space between each ID—that is, press the Enter key after adding each ID so that each ID is on its own line.

Source Address The message sender. For MT messages this is your message originator. For MO messages this is the end user's phone number.

Filterable? Yes. Filter by a specific number or alphanumeric string. If you are entering a dialable number — that is, a number that is not a short code — use an international format

  • If you want to filter for a specific message originator or end user's phone number, then use Message Originator and Phone Number respectively. You can also filter by the Message Direction (MT or MO).
  • If you want to see both the sender and receiver of a message, include Destination Address.

Multiple values are supported. This is a free-text field, so you will need to know the end user's number before using this filter. Short codes are not supported. You must enter a dialable number in an international format—for example: 12515550100 (US) or 447700900750 (UK). Don't include the plus (+) character. Each phone number must be on its own line—that is, press the Enter key after adding each number.