Virgin Trains and smart SMS alerts

Learn how the transport industry is using empathetic interactions to tackle customer overcrowding.

Virgin Trains: Right on Time

Virgin Trains had a huge problem. Overcrowding at Euston Station in London was making their customers stressed-out and unhappy. Solution? A bit of empathy teamed up with SMS.

Watch our video and download the case study to find out more.


Using SMS alerts to satify customers

Virgin Trains used the power of A2P SMS messaging to turn their problem into a massive customer experience win. We call it the Empathetic Interaction – giving customers exactly what they need at exactly the time they need it.

Read the case study to find out:

  • Why Virgin Trains needed to connect with their customers in real time;
  • Why A2P SMS was the only way to get right into passengers’ pockets;
  • How they improved the CX for everyone – not just their own customers;
  • And how their SMS solution made them the talk of their industry.


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