How to use SMS polls for data capture

Learn how SMS polls capture customer data quickly and easily

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Discover what they think – instantly

Get answers to important questions, fast. SMS messages have an open rate of 98% and the average response takes just 90 seconds.


Customers don’t have to download an app or even open their browser to vote. They just text a code or word to a number.


SMS polling is one of the cheapest ways to secure customer feedback as there’s no need for expensive hardware, customer-facing apps or portals.

Set your goal

There are dozens of use cases for SMS polls. For example, you can capture feedback on new products, canvas employee opinion on initiatives, clean customer data or simply conduct market research.

Get up and running fast

Creating and launching an SMS poll couldn’t be easier. Pick your targets, choose your poll type, build an automated workflow and you’re ready to go.

Let the bots do the work

With the right back-end integrations, polls can be triggered by an update to a field in a CRM, a booking system, a database entry, or following a period of inactivity. Closing a poll is just as simple. You can do it manually – in real-time – or schedule a closing date and time.

Consider short codes

Short codes are memorable 5 or 6-digit phone numbers specially designed for commercial messaging. They’re perfect for polling as they can handle a high volume of traffic over a short time period.

Rapid responses

SMS beats email on response rates (it’s 7.5x higher) and response times (it’s 60x faster). The upshot? You get more responses in a shorter period of time.

Better data

Research from the University of Michigan found that people tend to be more precise and candid when answering questions via SMS, compared to answering questions over the phone.

Keep it short and simple

Hold customers’ attention with short questions and stick to simple responses. Here’s an example: “Where do you tend to shop for jeans? Text “A” if you’re more likely to make purchases online or “B” if you tend to buy in-store.”

Show them you care

Demonstrate that you value feedback by responding with a prompt thank you message. It’s also worth sharing your findings to demonstrate transparency.

Anonymize results for sensitive issues

Encourage participation by guaranteeing anonymity if necessary. Make sure your mobile messaging service is secure and compliant with industry and national data-security rules.


How we can help


A library of ready-to-launch campaigns

Data visualizations and in-depth reporting

Flexible APIs


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